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Papal Missions Intention for February

Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life

Parish News

By Parish News

Lent 2020

All Fridays, especially during Lent, are days of abstinence from meat, but in Canada, Catholics may substitute special acts of charity or piety on this day. During Lent, we are asked to devote ourselves to seeking the Lord in prayer and reading Scripture, to service by giving alms, and to sacrifice self-control through fasting. We are called not just to abstain from sin during Lent, but to true conversion of our hearts and minds as followers of Christ. We recall those waters in which we were baptized into Christ’s death, died to sin and evil, and began new life in Christ.


Stations of the Cross in Polish (Mondays at 6:30pm) With the participation of children
Stations of the Cross in English (Thursdays at 6:30pm) SEYA
Stations of the Cross in Polish (Fridays at 6:30pm) 28.02.20 – Friends of the Missions
06.03.20 – Rosary Society
13.03.20 – Our Lady of Ludzmierz Committee
20.03.20 – Domestic Church
27.03.20 – Hosanna Ensemble
03.04.20 – Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
Sorrowful Lamentations in Polish (Sundays at 5:30pm)

By Parish News

Lenten Food Drive

This Lenten season, we invite all parishioners to help feed the hungry in our community. While many Christians make the choice to adopt Lent as a time of fasting and abstinence, some of our neighbors do not have a choice. Please help by participating in our Knights Lenten Food Drive, and bring non-perishable food items to the Church over the next 7 weeks. The food collected during this time will be distributed among the less fortunate families in our parish.

By Parish News

Youth and Young Adult Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Jordan

12 – 21 August 2020

Meeting for all those interested in participating in the Pilgrimage will be held on Sunday February 9th at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. For more information please contact Fr. Wojtek ( #OblateYouth

Weekend Mass Schedule

5:00 pm (in Polish)
6:30 pm (in English)

8:00 am (in Polish)
9:30 am (in English)
11:00 am (in Polish – with children)
12:30 pm (in Polish)
6:00 pm (in Polish)

Weekday Mass Schedule

Monday – Friday:
8:30 am (in Polish)
7:00 pm (in Polish), except Thursday

7:00 pm (in English)

8:30 am (in Polish)


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
24 hours, 7 days a week (Perpetual adoration chapel)

Novena to Our Lady of Ludzmierz

First Tuesday of the Month:
Holy Family

Second Tuesday of the Month:
St. Jude

Third Tuesday of the Month:
St. John Paul II

Fourth Tuesday of the Month
Bl. Caroline Kozka / Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko

First Thursday of the Month:
Eucharistic Adoration (after English mass)

First Friday of the Month:
Sacred Heart of Jesus / Divine Mercy

First Saturday of the Month:
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Last Monday of the Month:
St. Eugene de Mazenod

Last Wednesday of the Month:
Prayers for Healing

13th of Every Month:
Fatima Devotion

First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (Polish Group)

Saturday before First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (English Group)

© 2022 St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish