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Papal Missions Intention for February

Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life

Parish News

By Parish News

Livestream Schedule and Message from the Pastoral Team

Dear parishioners, dear friends,

Here’s some information about our parish activities in the near future, which I ask you to please share!

We are planning to livestream Masses and devotions online on our Facebook page.


Monday: Mass at 8:30 am and 7:00 pm with Stations of the Cross for children at 6:45 pm (all in Polish)

Tuesday: Mass at 8:30 am and 7:00 pm (all in Polish)

Wednesday: Mass at 8:30 am and 7:00 pm with a devotion to Our Lady of Ludzmierz (all in Polish)

Thursday: Mass at 8:30 am (in Polish) and 7:00 pm (in English). Stations of the Cross in English at 6:45 pm

Friday: Mass at 8:30 am and 7:00 pm with Stations of the Cross at 6:45 pm (all in Polish)

Saturday: Mass at 8:30 am and 5:00 pm (in Polish) and 6:30 pm (in English)

Sunday: 9:30 am (in English)
8:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 6:00 pm (all in Polish). “Gorzkie Zale” Lenten Devotion at 5:40 pm (in Polish).


On Sunday, we will begin our parish retreat as scheduled. It will be preached by Fr. Andrzej Juchniewicz OMI from Belarus (Fr. Wojtek spent two years with him in the seminary).

We also ask that you care for each other, especially those who are lonely, elderly, or sick. Please ask those you know if they need help. If you know of anyone who needs help, please submit the information to the parish office or email and we can act to help them, together!

We are thinking of you, dear parishioners and friends! You are in our hearts and our prayers at this time.

With blessings +

Your pastoral team

By Parish News

Masses Cancelled Until Further Notice

Dear Parishioners!

In view of the requirements of the Government of Ontario and following the latest directives from Cardinal Thomas Collins, starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020, all public Masses are cancelled both during the week and on the weekend. Churches will be available for individual private prayer.

All parish meetings and events are cancelled until further notice.

Regarding Baptisms, Marriages, and Funerals please contact the parish office by phone.

The above are in effect until further notice.

Read the Cardinal’s Message on COVID-19 released March 17.

By Parish News

Sunday Masses Cancelled

Cardinal Collins has cancelled Masses in all churches in the Archdiocese of Toronto this weekend due to the great danger of contracting the coronavirus, and to be in line with directives from the Ministry of Health, which prohibit gatherings greater than 250 people.

The church will be open on Sunday from 8am to 8pm for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Holy Masses on Saturday morning and during the week will be celebrated as scheduled.

Read the Cardinal’s message on o COVID-19.

Weekend Mass Schedule

5:00 pm (in Polish)
6:30 pm (in English)

8:00 am (in Polish)
9:30 am (in English)
11:00 am (in Polish – with children)
12:30 pm (in Polish)
6:00 pm (in Polish)

Weekday Mass Schedule

Monday – Friday:
8:30 am (in Polish)
7:00 pm (in Polish), except Thursday

7:00 pm (in English)

8:30 am (in Polish)


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
24 hours, 7 days a week (Perpetual adoration chapel)

Novena to Our Lady of Ludzmierz

First Tuesday of the Month:
Holy Family

Second Tuesday of the Month:
St. Jude

Third Tuesday of the Month:
St. John Paul II

Fourth Tuesday of the Month
Bl. Caroline Kozka / Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko

First Thursday of the Month:
Eucharistic Adoration (after English mass)

First Friday of the Month:
Sacred Heart of Jesus / Divine Mercy

First Saturday of the Month:
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Last Monday of the Month:
St. Eugene de Mazenod

Last Wednesday of the Month:
Prayers for Healing

13th of Every Month:
Fatima Devotion

First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (Polish Group)

Saturday before First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (English Group)

© 2022 St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish