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Papal Missions Intention for February

Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life

Parish News

By Parish News

Church Closure

Dear parishioners,

As you have probably heard, Toronto and Peel Region are moving into lockdown as of today Monday, November 23, 2020. With these measures in place, public Masses are cancelled. For more information, please read the message from Cardinal Collins.

You will be able to watch Masses live through Parish TV as well as on our parish YouTube channel (links to both are in the menu bar above).

Confessions are currently available by appointment only. Reserve through Eventbrite.

Remember, despite the churches being closed, we are praying for you all and thinking of you always!

By Parish News

New Restrictions in Peel – Reminder

Thank you, dear parishioners, for taking quick action and communicating your concerns to the Region of Peel.

We’re pleased to report that the region has revised their guidance for places of worship as of this morning. The Archdiocese of Toronto has confirmed that Peel parishes that have social distancing and other safety measures in place “can continue to operate liturgical celebrations (Mass, Weddings, Funerals, Baptism, etc) at 30% capacity.”

We remind you that 30% of our church’s capacity is 270 people.

We therefore ask you, once again, to please consider your attendance at the 11:00 am Sunday Mass for children. If you are not coming to this Mass with a child, we urge you to attend a different Mass. There are Masses available at 8:00 am, 9:30 am (English), 1:00 pm, and 6:00 pm on Sundays. Remember, its not about which Mass you attend, but about attending Mass at all. Priority admission to the 11:00 am Mass will be given to families with children, and once we are at capacity, we will unfortunately have to turn others away.

It would be a shame to turn you away, but also a shame to lose this battle after fighting so hard to be able to keep our permitted capacity at 30%. Yesterday’s experience showed us how close we are to tighter restrictions. We therefore remind you, also, not to linger outside in large groups before or after Mass, and that social distancing must be observed at all times.

We really appreciate you adjusting your schedules and all of your hard work to keep our parish safe and open.

By Parish News

Catechesis 2020/2021

Dear parents,

This Catechetical Year presents us with new challenges, so we begin it with trust in God’s protection and with joy to be witness of our faith.

Catechesis will start on October 14, it will take place in the parish rooms in the church and in the house of Our Lady of Ludzmierz.

Preparation for the sacrament of

· 1st Holy Communion in Polish – Saturdays 12:00pm – 1:00pm
· 1st Holy Communion in English – Wednesdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm
· Confirmation both language – Wednesdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm
· SK, JK, 1 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 8 in Polish – Saturdays 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Please download the Registration Form, fill it out and send it to or deliver it to the parish office by September 27, 2020.

Weekend Mass Schedule

5:00 pm (in Polish)
6:30 pm (in English)

8:00 am (in Polish)
9:30 am (in English)
11:00 am (in Polish – with children)
12:30 pm (in Polish)
6:00 pm (in Polish)

Weekday Mass Schedule

Monday – Friday:
8:30 am (in Polish)
7:00 pm (in Polish), except Thursday

7:00 pm (in English)

8:30 am (in Polish)


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
24 hours, 7 days a week (Perpetual adoration chapel)

Novena to Our Lady of Ludzmierz

First Tuesday of the Month:
Holy Family

Second Tuesday of the Month:
St. Jude

Third Tuesday of the Month:
St. John Paul II

Fourth Tuesday of the Month
Bl. Caroline Kozka / Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko

First Thursday of the Month:
Eucharistic Adoration (after English mass)

First Friday of the Month:
Sacred Heart of Jesus / Divine Mercy

First Saturday of the Month:
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Last Monday of the Month:
St. Eugene de Mazenod

Last Wednesday of the Month:
Prayers for Healing

13th of Every Month:
Fatima Devotion

First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (Polish Group)

Saturday before First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (English Group)

© 2022 St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish