Parish News
Curious how you did on the 25 questions quiz? Still wondering which animal the Inuit make their clothing out of, or what Fr. Bogdan’s favourite ice cream flavour is? Here’s the answer key!
Weekend Mass Schedule
5:00 pm (in Polish)
6:30 pm (in English)
8:00 am (in Polish)
9:30 am (in English)
11:00 am (in Polish – with children)
12:30 pm (in Polish)
6:00 pm (in Polish)
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday – Friday:
8:30 am (in Polish)
7:00 pm (in Polish), except Thursday
7:00 pm (in English)
8:30 am (in Polish)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
24 hours, 7 days a week (Perpetual adoration chapel)
Novena to Our Lady of Ludzmierz
First Tuesday of the Month:
Holy Family
Second Tuesday of the Month:
St. Jude
Third Tuesday of the Month:
St. John Paul II
Fourth Tuesday of the Month
Bl. Caroline Kozka / Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko
First Thursday of the Month:
Eucharistic Adoration (after English mass)
First Friday of the Month:
Sacred Heart of Jesus / Divine Mercy
First Saturday of the Month:
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Last Monday of the Month:
St. Eugene de Mazenod
Last Wednesday of the Month:
Prayers for Healing
13th of Every Month:
Fatima Devotion
First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (Polish Group)
Saturday before First Sunday of the Month:
Exchange of the Rosary Mysteries (English Group)