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spiritual adoption

By Parish News

Spiritual Adoption of an Unborn Child

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are getting closer to the Sunday preceding the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, when in our parish we will undertake the adoption of a newly conceived child, so we can stand up for the life of the unborn and already endangered children. These are the least of our brothers, of whom Jesus said, “just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40). This effort of spiritual adoption made because of Jesus bears fruit that changes reality forever!

The prayer that we will pray daily for nine months is a prayer that promotes the protection of human life. It is a short prayer to the Lord Jesus for the transformation of the hearts of the parents of a child in danger, and one decade of the Holy Rosary. Even in these exceptional and difficult times, we can save human life by prayer, which is not limited neither by time nor space.

Our prayers and other pious practices will bear many fruits, for our God is a generous God and gives abundantly. Not only do we save the smallest and most vulnerable people, but we save their parents from the grave sin of abortion. If we pray together in the family, we strengthen ourselves, we learn to respect life and cooperate with God’s will.

Thus, for us, for our families and for the parish family, spiritual adoption brings peace, liberation, joy and love. By saying our “yes” in defense of life, we open a protective umbrella of prayer, fasting, and sacrifice over an unknown and God-chosen child. God himself chooses this child and He knows who this child will really be.  Therefore, let us stand for the sanctity of human life and through this, thank God for the gift of our own life.

For more information, see our Spiritual Adoption page.

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