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Traditional Door Inscription Ceremony of the Feast of Epiphany

Gold and frankincense were blessed on the Feast of the Epiphany in the 15th/16th centuries. Blessing of chalk was first introduced in the 18th century. This beautiful tradition is carried out in many countries, including Poland. The blessed chalk is used to inscribe the first letters of the names of the Magi and the current year on the front door of Catholic homes. Following Mass, a small piece of blessed chalk may be taken home and the following is said with family and friends gathered at the front door:

K+M+B 2021 (or C+M+B 2021)

Leader: And the Word was made Flesh.

All: And dwelt among us.

Leader: May Christ dwell in our midst.

All: Amen.

Christmas carols may be sung to conclude the ceremony


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By Parish News

New Year Prayers at the Manger

Individual prayers will be possible on December 31st from 7:00pm to midnight and on January 1 from 2:00pm to 5:30pm. Registration for a 15 minute time slot will be required through Eventbrite.



By Parish News

Prayers at the Manger

Individual prayers will be possible on December 25th from 3pm to 9pm and on December 26 from 10am to 4pm. Registration for a 15 minute time slot will be required through Eventbrite.



By Parish News

Church Closure

Dear parishioners,

As you have probably heard, Toronto and Peel Region are moving into lockdown as of today Monday, November 23, 2020. With these measures in place, public Masses are cancelled. For more information, please read the message from Cardinal Collins.

You will be able to watch Masses live through Parish TV as well as on our parish YouTube channel (links to both are in the menu bar above).

Confessions are currently available by appointment only. Reserve through Eventbrite.

Remember, despite the churches being closed, we are praying for you all and thinking of you always!

By Parish News

New Restrictions in Peel – Reminder

Thank you, dear parishioners, for taking quick action and communicating your concerns to the Region of Peel.

We’re pleased to report that the region has revised their guidance for places of worship as of this morning. The Archdiocese of Toronto has confirmed that Peel parishes that have social distancing and other safety measures in place “can continue to operate liturgical celebrations (Mass, Weddings, Funerals, Baptism, etc) at 30% capacity.”

We remind you that 30% of our church’s capacity is 270 people.

We therefore ask you, once again, to please consider your attendance at the 11:00 am Sunday Mass for children. If you are not coming to this Mass with a child, we urge you to attend a different Mass. There are Masses available at 8:00 am, 9:30 am (English), 1:00 pm, and 6:00 pm on Sundays. Remember, its not about which Mass you attend, but about attending Mass at all. Priority admission to the 11:00 am Mass will be given to families with children, and once we are at capacity, we will unfortunately have to turn others away.

It would be a shame to turn you away, but also a shame to lose this battle after fighting so hard to be able to keep our permitted capacity at 30%. Yesterday’s experience showed us how close we are to tighter restrictions. We therefore remind you, also, not to linger outside in large groups before or after Mass, and that social distancing must be observed at all times.

We really appreciate you adjusting your schedules and all of your hard work to keep our parish safe and open.

By Parish News

Catechesis 2020/2021

Dear parents,

This Catechetical Year presents us with new challenges, so we begin it with trust in God’s protection and with joy to be witness of our faith.

Catechesis will start on October 14, it will take place in the parish rooms in the church and in the house of Our Lady of Ludzmierz.

Preparation for the sacrament of

· 1st Holy Communion in Polish – Saturdays 12:00pm – 1:00pm
· 1st Holy Communion in English – Wednesdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm
· Confirmation both language – Wednesdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm
· SK, JK, 1 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 8 in Polish – Saturdays 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Please download the Registration Form, fill it out and send it to or deliver it to the parish office by September 27, 2020.

By Parish News

Notice to Parishioners: New By-Law Requires Mandatory Use of Masks at Church

As you may have heard in recent days, a new by-law has been passed that makes the use of masks or face coverings inside all public places mandatory. This includes churches and our own parish. I would ask that all those coming to church bring a mask or face covering and wear it upon entering the church.

I recognize that this may be an inconvenience yet I know that we are all committed to caring for our neighbour and those around us. While a number of restrictions have been lifted in recent days, we are still in the middle of a pandemic and need to take the appropriate steps to minimize any potential spread of Covid-19. So while the Archdiocese of Toronto had highly recommended wearing a mask while in church and I know that most of you have been doing so, it is now a by-law that we must follow.

  • Priests do not need to wear masks in the sanctuary while celebrating Mass but should ensure they are wearing a mask when distributing Holy Communion and any other setting where they are in close proximity (less than 2m/6 ft) to parishioners. Lectors should remove masks to proclaim the Word of God.
  • Parishes are not required to distribute masks
  • Exceptions to the by-law include people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons (trouble breathing or unable to remove a mask without assistance) and children under two years old. Proof of a medical condition is not required.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation as we do all that we can to take care of one another and keep our community safe and healthy.

By Parish News

Update on the Reopening of Churches

My Dear Parishioners!

As you most likely already know, this Wednesday all churches in our Archdiocese will be open and we will be able to celebrate Holy Mass. In the regard of this positive decision, the Archdiocese issued several guidelines that must be in place to ensure the safety of all participants in the Holy Liturgy.

I will briefly present some of them:

  • Until further notice, the faithful cannot sing during Holy Mass, therefore the songbooks were removed from the pews.
  • To provide the church with the required distance of 2 meters between liturgy participants, seats in the pews are marked with yellow tape to indicate where to sit. While entering the pew, take the place starting from the center seat and then we fill up rest of the spots in such order. This will allow us to get as many people as possible into the church.
  • During Holy Communion, everyone will come out of their pews in turn, including those who do not receive the Eucharist. While going up to receive communion and keeping a distance of 2 meters, we head toward the minister, stand in the designated place before the priest and after the words “Body of Christ” we answer “Amen”. Then, with stretched out hands we approach and receive Holy Communion. Until further notice, this will be the only form of acceptance of Holy Communion. Those who do not receive the Eucharist will still walk in procession, crossing their arms on their chests to receive a blessing.
  • To increase the number of people who may be in the church, the pew section on the left of the main isle will be reserved for families, as members of the same household are not required to maintain 2 meter social distancing.
  • We only use bathrooms when absolutely necessary.
  • We encourage you to use a personal disinfectant before entering the church.
  • The guidelines strongly emphasize and encourage any individual over 3 years of age attending Mass to wear a mask, and only partially remove the masks when receiving Holy Communion.
  • Offerings will be collected after Mass. There will be tables with the offertory baskets at the exit of the church.
  • The bulletins in paper form will not be printed. You can access them on the parish website.
  • After Mass, please do not gather for social purposes in the parking lot.
  • Please arrive at the church 15 minutes before the start of Mass to orderly take your seats in the pews.
  • If you feel sick, e.g. have a fever or cough, or any other symptoms potentially related to COVID, please stay at home.
  • We would like to continue to dedicate the Holy Mass at 11:00am to families with children as much as possible, therefore we ask that people without small children choose a different Mass to attend.
  • Please be advised that until further notice there will be no confessions on weekends. Confessions will be held every weekday, half an hour before morning Mass and one hour before the evening Mass.
  • The parish office will continue to be closed.

Dear parishioners, all these measures may appear to be a bit complicated but after our first Sunday following these new rules, it will hopefully not feel as overwhelming. I hope that very soon everything will return to normal and we will enjoy participating in the Eucharist without any restrictions.

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